Sister Matealona and I have decorated our apartment for Christmas with as much as we can. (Thank you, Kelly, for the lights and the tree and the window things!) People around Hattiesburg, Oak Grove, and Purvis have lights all over their lawns and houses. I've noticed that Purvis people seem to want to pile every decoration they have into their lawns to see who can have the most stuff for Christmas. So far, one of my favorites has been someone who lives nearby us that has a rather large and prominent light display of, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS."
In-town Purvis decorates for Christmas with "MERRY CHRISTMAS" signs strung between trees, angels attached to lamp posts, and tinsel candles hanging from stores. Purvis is very quaint and country; it makes Christmas feel very different, especially since we haven't gotten any snow or hardly any cold weather! It's been pretty warm this week, and I start sweating wearing my lighter scarves. (Maybe I should stop trying to force the weather to be what I want it to be and just accept it ;]).
The ward members here have been trying to make us feel warm and loved this season. We had investigators give us some delicious fruitcake. That fruitcake was absolutely life-changing, everyone. Just sayin'. The ward members basically fought over us for Christmas and Christmas Eve, so some people are having us over before and afterwards so they can celebrate Christmas with us, too! I feel so blessed to be here, and to be in a ward that loves its missionaries so much!
We had Zone Conference this week! Elder Kopischke, one of the General Authorities came to speak to us. Usually, a Zone Conference is just a single Zone gathering to hear from the President. However, because we had a General Authority coming, the Zones of Gulfport, Hattiesburg, and Jackson all converged and gathered at the Oak Grove building. This meant that I got to see my mission grandma and my mission mom -- Sisters Garry and Harrison! I was so excited! Especially since this is Sister Garry's last transfer. :( I was also able to see a bunch of other missionaries I served with in Jackson, along with others I knew from the Gulfport Zone, like Sister Winkel! I was so excited.
Elder Kopischke is amazing, just so y'all know. He told us to ponder and write down a few questions as directed by the Spirit. These were questions we might have had about ourselves, about investigators, missionary work, etc. I had quite a few. He then invited us to ask these questions. "You cannot learn if you aren't prepared to learn," he said. "So, what are you prepared to learn today?"
We heard from President and Sister Olson, and talked with Elder Kopischke. The Spirit was so strong in that meeting. I learned so much. I suddenly knew everything I needed to do better; I knew exactly what I needed to do for my investigators, how I could improve my finding, how I could improve myself as a companion. I needed that Zone Conference, and I'm sure plenty of other missionaries did, too.
Ever since this Conference, I've been able to be more in tune to the Spirit. Multiple spiritual moments have happened this week -- from small answers to my prayers, to finding and teaching efforts rewarded after weeks of finding nothing. For instance, we decided to tract along a main road that had houses spread out across it. Most of the people who lived across this road owned farms and ranches, and probably didn't get too many knocks at their doors. With no sidewalk and plenty of ant mounds to dodge, Sister Matealona and I happily made our way along the road, trying our best to find a house with those who were prepared to hear the message we bring.
And we found some.
The lesson we had was amazing. We were teaching three brothers, all attending a church and all very insightful. While teaching about the Restoration, they understood points of doctrine before we even said them. Right then, I knew the Spirit was teaching, not us. I am so grateful to be able to be an instrument in the Lord's hands and give people the evidence of the Restoration of the gospel, and to give them the fulness of the gospel. There are so many good people out there who need the fulness, and I know we are here to bring it to them.
The Christmas season is a wonderful time for service, for family, friends, and the love of our Savior. This month, my heart has been overjoyed with the love my Savior has for me and God's children. I have been rather strongly prompted to read in Doctrine and Covenants, and every time I do, I always find scriptures that impress me. For instance, in Doctrine and Covenants 98, verse 3, it reads, "Therefore, he giveth this promise unto you, with an immutable covenant that they shall be fulfilled; and all things wherewith you have been afflicted shall work together for your good, and to my name's glory, saith the Lord."
I'm always reminded of the Savior's love for me. Peace fills me whenever I think about it. He is my Savior, my Rock, my Salvation. I love Him so much, and He loves me more than I can comprehend. We have a Heavenly Father who gave His Only Begotten Son so that we could live again and be free and be happy! What a selfless cause! I am so happy to be able to serve a mission for my Savior. I know I have been called of a prophet of God; I know I am doing the Lord's work. This is what He would have me do. I know it. There is no greater work we can do than bring souls unto Christ.
I am so happy to be a missionary. I am so glad I'm here in Mississippi. This is a wonderful place, and I am so blessed to be here.
What blessings has the Savior brought to you this season? How has Heavenly Father expressed His love for you this week?
Remember the Savior in all that you do, and you will be able to see Him right there, walking beside you, far better than you ever have before.
Have a blessed week, friends.
- Sister Rose
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Sister Matealona washing the car in the dark. With a mop. And a flashlight in her mouth. |
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BEST SIGN #SouthernServin' |
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Our tree with all the presents :) Thank you, family. And thank you "Santa" who sent those presents to Sister M! |
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This dog's name is Frankie! He's so sweet! He tried to kill our car while we drove away! Aw! |
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