It's hilarious how many times the youth and even the adults here try to reference pop culture around us missionaries, and they're returned with blank stares. Just the other day, our Relief Society President referenced a commercial (for Mountain Dew, I think? I'm not sure) and walked around us going, "Puppy monkey baby. Puppy monkey baby." Do you know what a Puppy Monkey Baby is? Because we have no idea.
We had the opportunity to work at the Bishop's Storehouse this week! It happens every other Friday, but we haven't been able to go since I've been in Purvis. Now that I've gone once, I want to be there every time! We got to unload the shipment truck and fill in food orders for members in need. Serving with my brothers and sisters really testified to me of the love we have for one another, and for how much our Savior loves us. He counseled His followers to give to the needy, to take care of those who need it, feed the hungry, clothe the sick and afflicted -- we are supposed to take care of them as we would our family. I saw a family at the Bishop's Storehouse on Friday. I saw people who knew and loved each other, who were ready to take care of others they might not even know, and who just loved being in the service of their fellowmen. Seek to do so, brothers and sisters, and the blessings you will receive will be so abundant that you won't even know what to do with them.
As we've been searching for the elect among the many, Sister Matealona and I have had some wicked cool experiences when tracting. I know we are led to the places we tract; I know our Heavenly Father is aware of exactly where we'll be when we'll be there. He inspires us to knock on specific doors, and I've seen that happen more than once since I've been in Mississippi. Every person we meet, especially as inspired by the Spirit, has been placed there by God, even if they don't quite realize it yet. We're here to bring them a heavenly message, and that requires us to be led by the Spirit of the Lord.
My testimony of the Spirit has grown and changed in so many different ways since I arrived in Mississippi. I remember how the Spirit felt in the MTC; it was crazy! It was everywhere! There are thousands of prayers being said every single day in the MTC. On that plot of land, the Lord can do anything; all of His servants are in one spot, teaching, learning about the gospel, sharing their testimonies -- the Spirit is stronger and more courageous there than anywhere else. To me, in the temple, the Spirit is overflowing, strong, and quiet. His strength comes in the gentleness of the house of the Lord, the holiness of its ground, and the ordinances thereof. But in the MTC, the Spirit feels like a rolling fire, burning as a beacon for the rest of the world to see. As we learn and teach, we are reinforcing what we learn with the power of the Spirit, and nothing can take that away from us.
Well, that is, until you get to the clouds of your mission and have to relearn everything you thought you knew.
New missionaries, I advise you to remember the things you learned in the MTC. Relish in that Spirit you feel because eventually it will fade in your mission, and you will have to seek it, and it might not feel the same as it did. That doesn't mean that's bad! That is something I've learned. I always thought the Spirit only spoke to me through blankets of warmth and a burning in my chest, but my Heavenly Father has taught me that more times than not, the Spirit will speak to me through prods and pokes, thoughts here and there that aren't my own, nudges in the right direction, a name that comes to mind at the right moment. If you have the confidence that the Spirit will speak to you, then He will, but not in the way that you will expect.
I know that the Spirit speaks to all of us who have that gift. You receive that gift after baptism, and you have the right to that companionship as long as you are worthy. Before baptism, the Spirit comes and goes. He speaks, but then He departs. Listen for Him, and He will tell you what to do.
In Doctrine and Covenants 11, we read, "And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good -- yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit.
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy."
Does the thought, the feeling, the urge lead you to do good? To walk uprightly? To be humble? To improve the life of another? To add light into your own life?
This is the Spirit of God. That Spirit will fill your soul with such joy that you won't know what to do with it. It will exceed every other feeling you've had, and you will know of a surety that this is good, that this is light, and that this is the Spirit.
Seek to be led by the Spirit this week. Turn your thoughts toward His promptings and you will hear them. Then, act. Do not dwell; just act. That is my challenge to you.
Have a wonderful week, everyone! Happy Mardi Gras!
Sister Rose
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We've begun tracting with dog treats. It's necessary. |
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#GraveyardTracting |
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Pretty, dead-grass Mississippi |
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So...we were having a little campfire thing with some members and this was happening across the street. I think they had us beat... |
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Here's another (old) selfie of Sister Matealona and me! |
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