I remember in Flowood, everyone always told us how everything was so dry. Little rain had blessed Mississippi that summer; everyone's lawns were brittle; no fires were built, for fear of burning down the whole state; not a cloud drifted in the sky, and everyone was very aware of it.
Hearing all of the Mississippites' prayers, God turned to them and said, "You might have to build an ark."
And now some people are swimming to work.
(I kid. I kid!)
We've had many adventures in Purvis! Never is there a dull moment with R&B. We have been trying some new finding opportunities! We have begun picking up trash off the side of the road (of our own free will), name tags on display for all the cars to see. Adorning yellow latex gloves, Sister Barney and I merrily picked up beer bottles, fast food containers, grocery bags, etc., that had been left on the road, whether from the wind or from a car whizzing by.
This gave me a greater love for the earth. I haven't always been too fond of the outdoors. Anyone who knows me will remember when I was little, I would scream bloody murder if I saw the shadow of a fly in the corner of the room. I'm better now, but part of me still preferred the indoors to the unfamiliar territory of the outside.
Since being in the lush, green atmosphere of Mississippi, I've grown to love its contents: from the deadly, chigger-containing grass, up to the pine trees that have begun sprouting little yellow flowers, peeking out at the sun from high above. It makes me think of a scripture found in the 59th section of the Doctrine and Covenants:
"Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to place the eye and to gladden the heart;
Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul."
While I may not see much joy in chiggers or bloodthirsty ants, I do enjoy all of the beautiful sights Mississippi has to offer, as God intended for me to. Every place has beauty to it. That I can promise. I remember living in West Texas and despising the concrete scenery, but marveling at the menacing shade of brown that would cover the sky during a dust storm, or the sunsets that flooded the sky. When I moved to Colorado, I learned to love the mountain passes, the waterfalls cascading down rocks, sunlight peeking behind arches.
God's world has much to offer us. He is always thinking of you and what's best for you specifically. This world was created for our benefit. Think of our first parents, Adam and Eve. Their calling to this earth was heavy; they were to be the first humans on God's earth, to keep His commandments and live in His presence until they chose to partake of the fruit.
They came here to make decisions, as we have always been able to do so. We all chose to come here. You, reading this, chose to come to this earth and accept the trials that would be bestowed upon you. I've had my share of trials that make me ask, Why? Why would you even agree to that? But, it always works out for my benefit. I cannot think of a trial that hasn't strengthened me in a way, that hasn't taught me something, that hasn't made me draw closer to my Heavenly Father.
With the world in bloom and allergies floating around, take some time to marvel at what God has given you. Purvis is an area with very little street and city lights, so at night, the stars are abundant, glittering, and gorgeous. We tend to pause and take some time to gape at those, and how small we are.
With Easter this coming Sunday, remember the sacrifice our Heavenly Father gave. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). This scripture is popularly quoted, especially this time of year, but it has so much truth in it.
God loves you, so He gave His Only Begotten Son. When Adam and Eve fell, they were subject to both spiritual and physical death, as are we. But through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we are able to overcome those things. Through Christ's everlasting atonement, which started in the garden of Gethsemane and ended when He rose again, we, too, are able to overcome the dark abyss of death and be welcomed home into the loving arms of a Father who loves us.
I would like to quote the testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith after he had seen a vision. In the Doctrine and Covenants, we read:
"And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!
For we saw him, even on the right hand of God, and we heard a voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father."
He lives, brothers and sisters. He lives for you.
Don't forget Him this Easter. Remember that He lives, and what that means for you.
Sister Rose
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Conni Cone!!!! |
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Mississippi Views! |
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It's a nice day for a photoshoot |
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We're adorable! |
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Mississippi does have a way of growing on ya'. Thanks for picking up the trash. And I just wanted to stop a note to say HEY !!
ReplyDeleteMiss ya in Brandon.
Sister Mayo