Who is this "we" of which I speak, you may ask? Why, none other than Sister Rose and Sister Jones! My new companion!
Sister Jones comes from Utah. She and I are basically the same person, which makes proselyting all the more enjoyable. She has a deep love for those she serves, and she has the sweetest Spirit about her. She beams positivity and light, and she's already touching the lives of those in Biloxi.
We also received an almost entirely new district! The comanionships are as follows: Elder Paxton and Elder Ahanonu (our new District Leader), Elder Tenifa and Elder Roberts (who replaced Elder Godfrey in Woolmarket), and Elder Hughes and Elder Ah Ching (they've not changed yet. Elder Ah Ching heads home next week!).
The lovely Sister Abril has moved on to El Dorado, Arkansas, where she is tearing it up with the one and only, SISTER BARNEY!
Missions are fascinating things, aren't they? Never in my life have I had more amazing experiences. I am learning new things every single day -- about myself, the gospel, my companion. Never have I been happier; never have I been able to see and recognize the blessings that flow from my Heavenly Father.
This week, we've tried focusing on the little miracles. New, amazing things always happen and the end and beginnings of the transfer. As I've talked to other missionaries about investigators and the work, I've come to understand a little bit of how faith works in the work.
I've said this before, but faith isn't a passive word; it isn't a simple "belief" in something. Faith moves you to action. The gospel has never asked anyone to be passive. Jesus Christ was always asking His followers to do something about their faith. With that in mind, faith in missionary work is knowing and being confident that as you work and do your best, Heavenly Father will pave the way for miracles to happen.
But, what are miracles?
I think I sometimes am skeptical of miracles -- like those random stories you hear about some person who was miraculously healed, someone who heard just the right piece of doctrine to help them, money coming to a bank account after paying tithing. Big miracles. Miracles that impress you for the rest of your life -- but what if none of those have ever happened to you?
I can't say I know anyone who's been miraculously healed. I can't say that paying my tithing has always given me a plethora of money. But, why can't those things happen to others?
I have always had this slight feeling of "No, that can't happen. Those things don't happen now. That's unreal." And that, my friends, is a doubt. Doubt is the opposite -- dare I say the enemy -- of faith. That hinders a bit of spirituality, especially when we have a scripture that makes me eat my words:
"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into heaven, and hath sat down n the right hand of God, to claim of the Father his rights of mercy which he hath upon the children of men?
And because he hath done this, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased? Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men."
That comes to you from the Book of Moroni, chapter seven, in the one and only, Book of Mormon. There really is a scripture for everything.
Miracles are always happening. It's a miracle when people who have been smoking for decades are able to put those down for good for the sake of the gospel. It's a miracle when someone comes along and already loves the Book of Mormon. It's a miracle when we get up in the morning and are able to be alive to enjoy a new day. It's a miracle for us to even be here, brothers and sisters.
What miracles will you see this week?
Love y'all! Have a good week!
Sister Rose
Sister Jones and me at the storehouse!!!! I love this girl :) |
Elder Tenifa doesn't like selfies (I didn't care) |
This neat burned-down house we passed while in Woolmarket! |
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