It's FINALLY FEELING LIKE FALL! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I want to shout this from rooftops and tell it to everyone I see! I can wear cardigans! Long-sleeve shirts! I can finally unpack my tights! The wind feels great! I don't sweat on everything I own!
I'm thoroughly enjoying this weather and all that Sister Maughan and I get to do in it -- like tracting, scribbling on the sidewalk with chalk, and getting bitten by spiders. Don't worry. That last one only happened to me, and it wasn't poisonous or anything. Just irritating. Plus, it added a little hilarity to our week.
Everybody is gearing up for Halloween! I'm so excited. This is one of my favorite holidays. It's not the most effective day for door-knocking, of course -- unless we wanted to reverse trick-or-treat and give them the treat of the gospel!
This week, I've been reflecting on the gift we have of temples. Now, that is a treat! We are not privileged to have a temple in the MJM, but being away from a temple has made me all the more appreciative of them.
In the temple, we have the special opportunity to be closer to our Father in Heaven. The temple is a place where Satan cannot go, where it is just us and God -- and it is there that we receive insights we could not receive anywhere else. Things are clearer, better, and more peaceful.
One thing we get to do while in the temple is do proxy ordinances (like baptism) for those who are deceased. Now, we do not go grave robbing and toss the bones of the dead into a font. That would be ridiculous!
Those who are gone have the opportunity of hearing the gospel and accepting or rejecting it. But because they do not have bodies, they cannot be baptized without someone on this earth doing it for them.
I think that doctrine (which has been taught in the Bible) is so simple and so beautiful. Nothing is more heartwarming than being able to know that your ancestors are able to receive the gospel, and that they are not lost for all eternity because they did not know of Christ's love in this life.
I think about that in my missionary work. Those who are baptized here open the gate for those who have died before them. Their ancestors are helping us to their descendants who are ready for the gospel, of that I am totally sure. They have been able to taste of Jesus Christ's redeeming love and want their living descendants to feel of that, too -- and allow them to be baptized.
Do you ever think about that? Those who are gone before you are cheering you on, leading you to the right places and people. You are not alone -- neither in this life nor in the next.
Jesus Christ's love extends far beyond the grave, brothers and sisters.
As you search for your ancestors think of what they would've wanted you to do, and what you can do for them and future generations to come.
And as you do so, you will be blessed.
As the eighteenth section of Doctrine and Covenants says, "And if it so be that you should labor all you days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall your joy be with him in the kingdom of my Father!
And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!"
What souls need your help?
Have a good week!
Sister Rose
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We did some pottery with the Robinsons today (Monday)! <3 Thank you for the photos, Sister Robinson! |
Our Plan of Salvation chalk talk from this week! |
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