This week is transfer week! And there are absolutely no changes happening to the Brownlee Sisters. Sister May and I will be going for round two! What the Lord has in store for us at the end of this six weeks, we have no idea, but we're excited to see what will happen as we labor together in this part of the Lord's vineyard.
This week was pretty awesome, not gonna lie to y'all. This is what the Louisiana folks would call "lagniappe" (said lan-yap). A little something extra and good. Week seven was definitely that. We had a missionary broadcast on Wednesday where we were taught by the Missionary Executive Committee. They answered questions, gave us insights on our areas, and also announced rather important changes that will be happening to the missionary schedule. If you want further details, see Mormon Newsroom.
That Saturday, the Mississippi Jackson Mission had a unique opportunity. In the wee hours of the morning, those of us cast into the far reaches of the Shreveport Zone loaded a charter bus. Concealed in the darkness, we picked up the missionaries in the Monroe Zone and began our lengthy journey to Clinton, Mississippi.
We were all bristling with excitement. Dressed in our best, we arrived in Clinton around eight thirty in the morning. Bus by bus, every zone in the mission was unloaded into the Clinton building. No shouts of excitement were passed between companions, no hugs of reunion were shared -- we filed into the chapel, then eventually into rows in the gym where we took a mission photo. We sang some songs, the voices of a hundred and sixty-five elders and sisters echoing around the gym. There is something special about a group of the Lord's servants singing praises to Him all at once; it brings a certain Spirit that I can't describe.
Before we were to depart into the chapel again, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland* entered the gym. He was followed by an entourage of Elder Bluth, Elder Uceda, and President and Sister Olson. We had been singing "Come, Come Ye Saints" when they walked in. We stopped rather abruptly after the first verse. In response, Elder Holland said, "Well, don't stop on our account!"
Brothers and sisters, we were able to be guided and enlightened by some of the most spiritual people I have ever had the privilege of breathing the same air as. There was pulpit-pounding, knotted throats, primary songs, and the strongest Spirit I've been blessed to feel. This was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I am so thankful for it.
I know that there are Apostles on the earth today. I capitalize that word because they are Apostles like those of old -- like Peter, James, John, Paul. Apostles we read about, quote, and love. Elder Holland is just like them, as a very, very special witness of Jesus Christ. He knows and loves His Savior. He loves each and every one of us.
My testimony was strengthened of those modern-day Apostles that we do have. I know that the same power Jesus Christ held, that He passed to His Apostles is again on the earth. We have all the keys, ordinances, and rites that the primitive Church had. I know it is here. I know it is where God is leading His children, if we are willing to follow Him and His Son.
To follow Him is to be a disciple, brothers and sisters. We are here to learn to be disciples. I am so thankful to be able to walk as Christ did, to teach as He taught, and to feel as He felt. There are things we cannot explain in this world, but I do know that God loves His children. I do know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and I know we must do all we can to follow Him. He does not expect perfection in this life; He just needs us to try. He needs us to be better. And when we are better, He will come.
I love you all. I hope you know that. This is a time to rejoice! The fullness of the gospel is on the earth again! There is no greater work in which to be engaged than that of bringing souls unto Christ.
Follow Him. You'll see His light. He will lead you through your prisons, and you will come out stronger than ever before.
Have a wonderful week. I'll have more stories next week.
Sister Rose
* For more info on Elder Holland, see
That moment when all you do is take pictures with your companion. I'll get better at photos next week!! We managed to match on Saturday!!! Aren't we just the cutest? <3 |
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